Erdal Nuhbasa – Law and Consulting Firm – Legal Services



Checking Contracts

During our life as a human-being we make lots of agreements and contracts. There are some of them which we must sign - most of the time without reading - if we want the service or a product from the company, bank or etc. For this contracts in one way, most of the states in the world are protecting their citizens with some regulations and laws. But there another kind of contracts which are personal that you must protect your rights by yourself.

            In any kind of contracts there are basic things that you must be careful and with the help of Internet it is not hard to learn it. But as there is a very famous idiom “The devil lies in the detail.” Small details will jeopardize your rights or you may not get your compensate when the contracting party unjustly finishes the contract because of the some clauses. 

            One of our service as Erdal Nuhbasa Law and Consulting Firm is to revise your contract and report you pros/cons and which clauses must be canceled. Other than checking we also draw up contracts in any kind of legal relationship or basic daily works that you will do with somebody or a legal entity.

What should I control in a contract?  

    In every contract there must be some parts which are important for the both parties. Of course, it is always best to agree with a Turkish Lawyer to check your contract that is related to Turkish Contract Law. Because there may be an article that you may think as good for your interest, but it may be an article which will be void in the court. 

Still, in case you need to check it by yourself, there are some parts that you must read carefully. 

     Basically you can control if these are written; 

  • Type of the contract
  • ID’s of the parties and their addresses
  • Aim and subject of the contract  
  • Duration of the contract 
  • Liabilities of the parties 
  • Confidentiality 


Is my contract valid under the law?

       To be legally binding as a contract, a promise must be exchanged for adequate consideration. If your contract doesn’t fulfill some of the basic rules of Turkish Contract Law it will not be enforced under the law. 

    So, definitely it is the best choice to get professional help. Because, If both parties made a mistake as to a basic assumption on which the contract is based the court may refuse to enforce its terms.

     As Erdal Nuhbasa Law and Consulting Firm we will be helpful you about: 

  • Writing a new contract, 
  • Checking a draft of a contract, 
  • Renewing a contract or 
  • Another issues about contracts.