During and at the end of the divorce proceedings, financial matters are the most important issues. Maintenance also plays a key role in these issues.
Maintenance Types in Turkey: During and After Divorcing Case
Travel Ban on Entry into Turkey: How to Revoke Entry Ban
If you have an entry ban to Turkey, you must learn the reason and then appeal the ban decision to revoke the ban.
Entry Ban Notification Form: Restriction Codes’ mean and how to appeal?
When you have an entry ban you will get a restriction code which describes the reason of the ban. Which restriction code is given for which case?
How to Fill Out Promissory Note Accordance with Turkish Law
Under Turkish law, filling out a promissory note (senet) requires attention to specific elements to ensure its validity and enforceability.
How to Evict a Tenant? (Ways of easy eviction)
Eviction of a tenant is challenging in Turkey. You need to be careful before and after you rent your apartment.
How to be Turkish Citizen by Buying Apartment
Getting Turkish citizenship by buying a real estate is possible after you did all the necessary steps.
How to Craft Non-Disclosure Agreement for Confidentiality Protection
An NDA protects confidential info by defining scope, obligations, and duration of secrecy. It limits data use, states exceptions, and details penalties for unauthorized disclosures.
How to Draft Commercial Contracts: International Overview
To draft international contracts, ensure clear terms, specify governing law, dispute resolution, currency, and language.
Why You Need a Lawyer: Is Hiring Informative One Necessary?
Everybody has legal issues in their regular life. Before you take steps, it is better to advise a lawyer than having problem later.