Tax Law is one of the most important area of law. Actually, people generally don’t care too much about the taxes which they are responsible, but then when they encounter with some penalties and charges, they start to have cold sweats. It is good to have some incomes from the wage, rent, trade or even inheritance but also we must remember that we have tax responsibilities in any situation.
For every country, tax is the most important income that they use to serve their citizens and also inhabitants. For that significant aim states have strict rules and also anti-evasion measures. It is not possible to know everything about the tax responsibilities if you are not an expert or don’t have a profession about it. This is the answer of “Why do you need a Turkish Tax Lawyer?” as you need someone to take care about your responsibilities and protect you for potential tax offences.
Erdal Nuhbasa Law and Consultancy Firm will help you about the responsibilities of yours and answer all questions about the tax. Even if you encountered with the tax penalty or imprisonment for failing to meet your tax responsibilities, don’t hesitate to contact with us, to help you with the appealing of the decision before it is too late. Our Turkish Lawyers are ready to work with you.
You may have different tax responsibilities depending on your job. But if we generally explain the types of taxes, we should say there are 3 types of them in Turkey. These are:
1. Taxes on income/earnings
a. Income tax
b. Corporation tax
2. Taxes on expenditures
a. Value-added tax
b. Special Consumption Tax
c. Customs duty
d. Banking and Insurance Transactions Tax (BSMV)
e. Special communication tax
f. Others
3. Taxes on wealth
a. Property tax
b. Motor vehicle tax (MTV)
c. Inheritance and Gift Tax
d. Advertisement Tax
e. Entertainment Tax
f. Communication Tax
g. Electricity and Gas Tax
h. Other Taxes
According to Tax Law in Turkey, there are different types of taxes and different times which you must pay. But the questions are:
The first step is to know when you must report and pay based on your entity type and jurisdiction. If you own a small firm in the form of a partnership, a limited liability company (LLC), an S-corporation or an E-corporation, you have unique tax filing requirements you must comply with, depending on your formation.
For more details contact with us.
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